Bondpartners SA, Lausanne: Resiliency despite the pandemic and economic crisis.
As for 2020, Bondpartners’ preliminary and unaudited net profit is almost half of that posted the previous year, the pandemic and economic crisis having affected somewhat the results of security positions and those of currency exchange, when on the contrary securities trading strengthened and achieved higher profits, along with larger volumes.
About Bondpartners: BPL is a Swiss financial company founded in 1972 in Lausanne, whose business hinges on three main axes: the inter-professional dealing of securities, the market making and market keeping, and the execution of orders issued by independent managers. It is authorized and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a securities house. Its bearer shares are quoted on BEKB’s OTC-X electronic platform.
Contacts :
Christian Plomb/Olivier Perroud
Tel. (+41) 021 613 43 43
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