Bondpartners SA, Lausanne: The first half-year under review was ineluctably dragged down by the Covid-19 pandemic. The valuation of securities held in proprietary positions and the reinforcement of the Swiss franc weighted on the global result of dealing activities and investments, while trading operations generated an income and revenue rose strongly.

About Bondpartners: BPL is a Swiss financial company founded in 1972 in Lausanne, whose business hinges on three main axes: the inter-professional dealing of securities, the market making and market keeping, and the execution of orders issued by independent managers. It is authorized and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a securities house. Its bearer shares are quoted on BEKB’s OTC-X electronic platform.

Contacts :
Christian Plomb/Olivier Perroud
Tel. (+41) 021 613 43 43
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